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J&E Graphic Material Co.,Ltd


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Current Position:Home->Products->Stahl Mbo Shoei Folding Machine Spare PartsStahl Mbo Shoei Folding Machine Spare Parts

Suction Wheel 233-029-01-00



Suction Wheel 233-029-01-00


J&E Graphic Material Co., Ltd is a China based bookbinding and printing consumable Supplier. We are dedicated to providing bookbinding spare parts and consumables for Muller Marini, Aster,OSAKO,  Heiderlberg, Kolbus,STAHL & MBO, Purlux, Shoei,Rosback, Polar, Horizon machine.  As the unique professional bookbinding parts manufacturer  in China Mailand, We offer a wide range top quality original and replacments to your inquiry and JIT delivery.


   Being the leading experts for post-press boobkding industry, we are helping our clients on  spare parts and replacemnts for  Saddle Stitching,Perfect Binding ,Folding and Book Sewing machine.



The Post-Press for Boobkdinding Stitching Head and Parts are available in stock:


DB75 Stitching Head and spare Parts

DB75V Stitching Head and spare Parts

DB45 Stitching Head and spare Parts

M2000 Stitching Head and spare Parts

OSAKO Stitching Head and spare Parts

​Hohner Stitching Head and spare parts


Muller Martini Original & Replacement Parts: Stitching Head DB75/DB45, Stitching Head Parts for Bravo,Presto Saddle stitch , Transporter, Chain Finger, Brush for Presto 1550, Prima , Sucker, Gather Peg, Cover Feeder Belt and V-Belt for 1528 and 1529 cover feeder, Trimmer knife for 0360, 0361,1522,890.


Muller Martini Machinery Parts: Original Imported machinery Parts for Gathering 1551,1550,1555,1522; 0390 Prima, 0380 bravo,1550 presto; 3026 Acoro
3009, 3010,3006,3028,1580 perfect binder


Muller Martini Book Sewing Parts : Gripper, Thread Cutter, Spring, Bachmann Needle, Puncher Scissor, Timing Belt, Tooth Belt, Transport Belt,  Sewing Thread, Conveyer Belt  for 3215 Ventura,3214 Inventa Plus,3212 Inventa,3210 


Aster Book Sewing Parts: Thread Carrier, Thread Hook, Thread Knife,  Thread Seperator ,Puncher, Sewing Head, Bachmann Needle, Organ Needle, Gripper, Tooth Belt, Sewing Thread, Belt Gripper.


STAHL Folding Machine Parts: Suction Wheel, Feeder Sucker Complete, Bearing, Bushing, Transporter Belt, Perforation Blade, Sltter, Creasing Blade, Plastic ball,  Steel Ball, INA Bearing, Screw ,Conveyer Belt.


Kolbus Gluebinding :  Sucker, Transporter, Martix, Rubber roller,  Gripper for case maker, Kolbus Pad, Rubber Guide, Kolbus Chain, Brush


Muller Martini Pefect Binding: Gather Peg, Scoring Wheel scoring wheel for ( Amigo, Tigra, Normbinder, Starbinder,Corona,Acrona, Trendbinder )., Milling Knife







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